PARTNER companies

Transformer Recycling Coast to Coast

Although our transformer processing facility is located in the Midwest, A-Line E.D.S. provides the most competitive service coast to coast. Last fall A-Line E.D.S. completed one of the largest transformer recycling projects that has ever taken place in the United States removing over 6.5 million pounds of transformer components in less than 2 months.  A-Line was hired under very stringent requirements including a short timeframe for removal.  This project involved the removal and recycling of over 200,000 gallons of transformer oil and included 8 power transformers and 2 reactors. Below is an overhead drone shot of the station.

After the oil was removed, A-line took special care in the removal of the transformer bushings which weighed over 7,000 pounds each.

The A-Line crews systematically removed the transformers clearing the site for other contractors to perform their portion of the work in upgrading the station.

The recycling of these transformers was completed ahead of schedule with zero incidents allowing our customer to continue with this large HVDC station upgrade.  Our project summary video can be watched right here:

Although this large HVDC upgrade removal project secured some of our resources, other A-Line crews were busy removing transformers across the nation.  As the west coast crew was finishing up, another crew was just getting started on transformer removal projects within the congested substations and streets of Manhattan

Utilizing our specialized equipment and methods A-Line was able to save this customer significant time and cost of relocation by decommissioning this transformer inside the substation.  This was the second phase that A-Line completed without incident at this sub.  Below shows the tight confines of this substation and the congested roadways.

The transformer was carefully pieced out and hauled away.

Once the transformer coils were removed A-Line assisted the customer with sampling and examination for transformer life cycle analysis.

Even battling difficult winter weather we were able to complete this project on time allowing the customer to move forward with this transformer replacement.

Coast to coast A-Line E.D.S. provides competitive transformer removal solutions saving our customers time and money.  We’re always excited for the next big challenge.